
Rihanna Opens Up About Love & Sex In Vanity Fair

Rihanna opened up in the November issue of Vanity Fair about life, love, and the sex life of a female pop star. The 27-year-old says that she likes gentleman but “now men are afraid to men. They think if you’re nice or even affectionate to you girl in front of your boys you’re less of a man. It’s so sick. They won’t be gentlemen because that makes them appear soft. That’s what we’re dealing with now, a hundred percent, and girls are settling for that, but I won’t.” I will wait forever if I have to… but that’s O.K.”

As as far as fame goes she says “Sometimes it’s the first time I’m meeting this person–and then all of a sudden I’m “with them.” It freaks me out. It makes me very guarded and protective.”

And what about sex? If I wanted to I would completely do that (hooking up). But that would be empty for me; that to me is a hollow move. I would wake up the next day feeling like shit. That’s why I haven’t been having sex or seeing anybody. I mean I get horny, I’m human.”

But she’s hopeful, as she should be: “A very extraordinary gentleman with a lot of patience will come along when I least expect it. So one day, I say someone will come in on a white horse…”No” she says laughing, “Not on a white horse. Probably on a black motorcycle.”

ririnakedrihanna-november-2015-cover-annie-leibovitz-vf-03Photo: Annie Leibowitz

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