
Sex in the News

Mama June Offered…

23 2582
Steve Hirsch of Vivid Video has offered…

Revenge Porn Outlawed…

20 2851
Revenge porn, also known as “non-consensual pornography,”…

(Gay) Breakfast At…

18 2295
It’s a gay breakfast at Tiffany’s as…

Sexy Halloween Costumes…

17 2412
For men who are wondering what to…

25-Year Study Says…

22 2416
A massive sex study that includes 48…

Alcohol Contributes to…

19 2004
A report from The Kinsey Institute and…

What’s Sexy In…

14 2090
The Oscar Swag Bag keeps growing like…

Gwyneth Paltrow Urges…

17 2176
Actress Gwyneth Paltrow is acting like a…

Man Has Sex…

10 1841
“Joe,” a married man with three teenage…

The Hidden Dangers…

14 2049
Lamar Odom‘s tragic experience with downing too…
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How to Have Better Sex – Sex-ed for everyone