
Sexy Halloween Costumes For Men

For men who are wondering what to wear this Halloween, we have one word for you: sexy. Women have known this for years; it’s the one day of the year we get to dress like a slut without someone calling us a slut.

Forget the giant dice or spooky skeleton costume; Halloween is the one holiday of the year that people report getting laid more than any other, so wear something sexy.

There are many ways you can go with this, such as dressing in uniform, which is sexy to both women and gay men. Fireman, policeman, or anything military gets us hot. (“Sargent Dick” reporting for duty.)

Even better, you can use the costume later for role-playing cosplay, where he gets to “arrest” you for being so damn sexy.


Women and gay men say one of their top fantasies is a man in uniform, so go for it on Halloween.

A man in a Scottish Kilt does it for us too. It encourages us to flirt and ask what’s under the kilt, and ask if you are wearing any undies.

A gay friend tells me he gets flirted with the most when he dresses up like a woman, while straight women like men who look super masculine. I called up Ricky’s Halloween in NYC and asked what their most popular men’s costumes were. “Superheroes,” they reported. They also said they sold out all costumes that had a giant penis attached to it.


This costume could be sexy, depending on who is wearing it.

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