
Masters Of Sex Returns This Summer!

Masters of Sex, the first television show to chronicle the history of sexology, sexual research, and sex therapy,  makes its throbbing return for season 3 this summer.

Season 2 left off in 1961 with Masters & Johnson‘s sex study being pulled from the Washington University Hospital in St. Louis, to an all-black hospital during the middle of the civil rights movement. Season 3 jumps to 1966 where they have their own office, and have published their first book, Human Sexual Response, which blew people’s minds at the start of the sexual revolution.

The show’s showrunner Michelle Ashford says “Once they publish that book, then the story goes off on a wild tangent because they become famous.” The two go from working at an obscure hospital in St. Louis, to landing on the cover of Time Magazine, then off to Hollywood where they do The Johnny Carson Show 12 times. “That’s a whole different thing, and all that stuff is really delicious,” she says.

The series returns July 13th. Needless to say, this is our favorite TV show, and we can’t wait for more sex.


Masters_of_Sex_titlesmallBehind the closed doors of sexual research.

Masters of Sex season 2 showtime billboardMasters & Johnson; “Their work is their passion.”

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