
Vivid Video Presents the World’s First “Intersex” Porn Star!

Vivid Video announces “Going For The Gold”, a porno based on the sex romp that “intersex” porn star Taylor Lianne Chandler says she had with Olympic swimmer Michael Phelps. It reveals her version of the “intimate and erotic” details of their hook-up. (The two met on Tinder.)

What exactly is “intersex”? It’s the new, politically correct word for “hermaphrodite,” a word that sounds too scary and not so sexy. An intersex person is born with both male and female genitalia. In Chandler’s case, she says that she was born with a vagina, uterus, and a penis, but no ovaries. When she was born, her parents made the decision to cut off the excess weiner and make her into a female. Since then, she says her hoo-ha has been completely “re-constructed” from her once former “slit.” “I have the Cadillac of vagina’s now,” she says of her “fully functioning” vajajay.


The movie will be released online through the Vivid Celeb imprint on January 12. www.vivid.com

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